NAENTA participates with most health insurance companies. Although we can usually confirm whether we are on your plan, we encourage all patients to contact their health insurance to verify whether NAENTA is a participating, in-network provider. Before scheduling any diagnostic testing or surgery, we will verify your insurance and perform a pre-certification or pre-authorization when required. Receiving a pre-certification does not guarantee that your insurance company will pay for the service.
Copayments, unmet deductibles and payment for services not covered by your insurance are collected prior to all appointments. Please note that we do not accept cash payments. Check and Credit/Debit card payments are accepted.
Our office would like to stress to you that your insurance copay is limited to the office visit itself. Any additional testing/procedure is subject to your deductible. As specialists, we often utilize sophisticated equipment to perform a more thorough exam, compared to a primary care physician. During your visit, if your physician determines you would benefit from an additional procedure, he/she will explain the medical necessity of the test and have you sign a form approving the completion of the test. Common examples of additional testing that is billed toward deductible includes: nasal endoscopy (examination of the sinuses and nasal cavity with a rigid endoscope) and flexible laryngoscopy (examination of the throat with a flexible scope).
If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact our billing office.